A Hyperledger Labs project that aims to achieve interoperability between multiple heterogeneous ledgers via IBC

Supported Blockchains: Ethereum, BNB Chain, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Besu, Quorum, and Corda.

What's IBC?

IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) is not limited to blockchains built with the Cosmos SDK; it is a blockchain-agnostic interoperability protocol that can be used with a wide range of blockchains worldwide. YUI expands the use of IBC by implementing modules and frameworks that make IBC available on more blockchains. We have been one of the leading contributors to IBC, including ibc-solidity, the IBC implementation in Solidity.

High Level Architecture

Each blockchain has an IBC module and a Relayer in between. To support each blockchain, we have built different client modules. YUI uses IBC by design for cross-chain communication.


IBC Core Implementations


Supported Blockchains

Public blockchains


BNB Smart Chain