
The Origin of the Datachain Logo

Partners and stakeholders



The Cross-border Stablecoin Remittance Project with Progmat and global financial institutions has just begun.


Who We Are

Enabling the World to Interact Transparently as One Network

In the future, various assets will be digitized through blockchain technology, making the world more programmable. However, without interoperability between blockchains, each will remain isolated, limiting their benefits.

Datachain is solving this challenge with "technology." By creating infrastructure that connects different networks, we aim to make it possible for the world to interact as one network, making it easier to use a variety of services.

What We Do

Various use cases are emerging across different blockchain platforms. Datachain is dedicated to creating the infrastructure to connect these platforms and developing new use cases that leverage this interoperability.

Image of use casepart of image of what we do
image of what we dopart of image of what we doimage of what we do
Bridge Infrastructure

Our Products

YUI is a lab within the Hyperledger Foundation that aims to achieve interoperability between multiple heterogeneous ledgers via the IBC protocol.

LCP is a proxy for light client verification executed in TEE. LCP uses Intel SGX to provide light clients that are implemented in an enclave.

Cross Framework is a framework that enables distributed transactions across multiple blockchains.

Core Projects


Cross-border Stablecoin Remittance with Progmat and Swift

Image of cross-border stablecoin

Cross-chain Bridge with TOKI

image of toki webapp

Cross-border Stablecoin Remittance

Image of cross-bridge

Use Cases

We have collaborated with industry-leading companies and organizations in the use cases described below.

DvP Settlement

PvP Settlement

Supply Chain


Datachain Files Patent on Transactions Leveraging Framework for Blockchain Interoperability

Datachain launched Cross Framework, a framework that enables the development of cross-chain smart contracts that reference data and execute functions distributed across different blockchains without relying on a specific centralized system, and applied for a patent for its application to transaction systems.

Datachain released IBC Module for Hyperledger Besu, which enables interoperability between blockchains without placing trust in intermediaries.

Datachain has been conducting research and development on blockchain interoperability for enterprises and has been working on various solutions and demonstrations. Under these circumstances, Datachain has released an IBC Module for Hyperledger Besu that enables interoperability between different blockchains using IBC in the enterprise Ethereum client "Hyperledger Besu".


Datachainがこれまで開発を進めてきたインターオペラビリティプロジェクト「YUI(ユイ)」が、「Linux Foundation」が運営する業界横断的なブロックチェーンの技術推進を目的としたオープンソースの協同的な取り組みであるHyperledgerにおいて、Hyperledger Labsとして承認されました。


Press Release

ステーブルコイン事業におけるProgmatとの レベニューシェア契約の合意について

November 14, 2024

Swiftと連携したステーブルコイン 国際送金システムに関する特許出願について

October 22, 2024

ステーブルコイン決済プロダクトが実運用向け開発フェーズへ クロスボーダー送金に加え、国内送金・個人間送金へも対応

September 18, 2024


クロスボーダーステーブルコイン送金基盤構築プロジェクト「Project Pax」について、日本経済新聞に掲載いただきました

September 5, 2024


June 20, 2024

We are excited to announce that Datachain has launched a new logo and updated its corporate website.

Cosmoverse 2022にて、弊社鳥海が登壇いたします

September 13, 2022

We’re delighted to announce that Datachain will participate in Cosmoverse as a panelist of the Cross-chain briding session with the Confio(CosmWasm) team, the Halborn team and the Composable Finance team.

Management Team

久田 哲史

Founder and CEO


木村 淳

Founder and CTO

Momentum株式会社の創業CTOとして同社をKDDIグループ企業に売却後、Datachainを立ち上げる。Datachainでは、CTOとして、LCP、Cross Framework、Hyperledger Labs YUI等の研究開発をリード。

鳥海 晋

